I believe that this is a true statement because many consumers like to gain additional information about products before they purchase them. For example, Mercedes Motoring is a small operation out of California that restores classic Mercedes automobiles. They have a couple of artsy videos posted on Vimeo that detail the time and energy put into restoring classics. They also have a Facebook page full of photos that show the finished product. Their customer testimonials are filled with praise from purchasers all over the country. The majority of customers purchase these cars without seeing them in person. All that they have to go by is what is seen on Mercedes Motoring's personal site and social media sites. Although Mercedes Motoring does not have many competitors, a portion of their success is due to social media. Through social media they are able to capture a worldwide audience. As long as Mercedes Motoring continues to put the same time and effort into restoring cars, I do not see this statement changing.
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